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Majority of U.S. Adults Report Positive Cannabis, Psychedelic Drug Experiences



As cannabis and psychedelics continue to experience a modern-day renaissance, with increased education and access to information surrounding their use and benefits, we’re collectively crafting new narratives after decades of inflammatory propaganda surrounding these substances.

Tired messaging of the past has suggested that cannabis and psychedelic use were one-way tickets to unpleasant and traumatic experiences, though we’re gradually moving away from these assertions, as research is finding these drugs can work to ease physical and mental trauma and stress, alongside many other potential benefits.

A new YouGov poll sheds even more light on the experiences of individuals with cannabis, psilocybin and other psychedelics like LSD and MDMA, finding that the majority of those who have tried the substances described their experiences as positive. 

As the government works to reschedule cannabis to the less restrictive Schedule III category and psychedelic research and reform continues to escalate across the country, the results offer further insight on today’s shifting attitudes surrounding plant medicine and psychedelic drugs.

U.S. Adults Report Positive Cannabis, Psychedelic Experiences Most

YouGov conducted the online poll April 25-28, 2024, comprised of 1,134 U.S. adult citizens. The sample was weighted according to gender, age, race, education, 2020 election turnout and presidential vote, baseline party identification and current voter registration status.

Most participants had used cannabis (57%, including 42% who used it more than once). Psilocybin was the next most popular substance, with 20% reporting previous use, while 16% had tried LSD and 11% had tried MDMA. About half of people who had used each of those drugs said they had tried it more than once.

For each of the drugs, the majority of users said their experiences were “mostly positive” — specifically 57% of cannabis users, 65% of psilocybin users, 55% of LSD users and 56% of MDMA users. 

The next most popular response for all drugs was “equally positive and negative,” while those reporting “mostly negative” experiences for all drugs was lowest (20% for cannabis, LSD and MDMA and 8% for psilocybin).

Support for Cannabis, Psychedelic Legalization

The survey also asked respondents about their attitudes surrounding the legislative reform measures surrounding the drugs and whether they believed that they should be legalized.

The majority of respondents showed their support for cannabis legalization, with 60% in favor and 30% opposed, though far fewer said the same for the other drugs in the survey. Just 27% said they support legalizing psilocybin, 16% MDMA and 15% LSD.

Still, those who had tried each drug were more likely to support legalization than those who had not. 

Specifically, 78% of cannabis users support its legalization, 63% of psilocybin users support legal psilocybin and 55% of MDMA users support legal MDMA. LSD stood out in this respect, as 38% of LSD users said they supported legalization while 43% would oppose it.

The survey echoes the sentiments of other recent polls investigating the shifting modern-day attitudes surrounding cannabis and psychedelic drugs.

Monitoring Evolving Perceptions on Cannabis and Psychedelics

A number of recent polls reveal the progression surrounding consumer attitudes around cannabis and harm perception, with many revealing that Americans view cannabis as safer than using alcohol or tobacco.

Myriad polls have also shown strong support for cannabis legalization among American adults, with one recent Pew survey finding that 88% believe cannabis should be legal for medical or recreational use — 57% said it should be legal for both medical and recreational use. Most respondents also said that recreational cannabis reform was positive for the economy and makes criminal justice more fair.

Similarly, another recent poll found that 28% of Americans have used at least one of seven psychedelic drugs included in the questionnaire, with LSD, psilocybin and MDMA as the most popular (at 14%, 13% and 9% reporting use, respectively). The poll, also conducted by YouGov, nods to the changing trends surrounding psychedelic acceptance, saying that “recent shifts, both in policy and public opinion, suggest the tide in the United States may be turning toward increasingly favoring psychedelic drugs.”

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Cannabis Product Testing: Pass or Fail?



In any industry, third-party or independent lab testing provides validation for the manufacturer’s safety and label claims on any product intended for consumption. The cannabis industry is no different. Cannabis products can be divided into two main categories: inhalable and non-inhalable cannabis products. Before these products can be sold to the medical cannabis patient or adult use consumer, they must be tested in a third-party lab which includes several different quality assurance controls. 

Why test cannabis?

In the U.S., most of the legal cannabis market states require licensed cultivators, manufacturers, and distributors to present passing Certificates of Analysis (COAs) for their inhalable and non-inhalable products to reach the consumer but the extent of the testing requirements vary. Examples of inhalable products include flower, pre-rolls, infused pre-rolls, and concentrates used for vaping. Tinctures, edibles (infused beverages, gummies, chocolates, etc.), topicals, balms, and bath soaps are examples of non-inhalable products. COAs dictate whether the product is safe for consumption as well as the composition of the particular chemovar. The COAs can include results for cannabinoids, pesticides, terpenes, heavy metals, residual solvents, microbial impurities, water activity, and moisture depending on state-specific standards and regulations. States can also choose to be less rigorous in their testing and only include results for some of these analytes. Cannabis can have a huge variety of analytes in any given chemovar, so measuring what is present and how much of it is there is important whether it is the specific cannabinoids (such as THC and CBD), heavy metals (such as lead and arsenic), microbial impurities (such as Salmonella), pesticides, and more. Many states set acceptable limits for these analytes based on what they consider safe for consumption. Labs can provide a numerical measurement, also known as quantification value, as well as a corresponding “pass” or “fail” designation for the sample being tested.

In the regulated cannabis market, METRC is a technology solution used in many states to track and trace all forms of cannabis from seed to sale, including the quality control and quality assurance that happens in the labs. The methods used by the testing lab must adhere to the standards and regulations put in place by state-specific cannabis regulatory bodies, which vary from state to state. This disconnect between states without federal oversight has made it easier for rogue labs to create false results when creating their COAs. For example, some labs have developed their methods to ensure inflated cannabinoid results when making their COAs, which in turn causes products to be sold at a higher price to the consumer, due to the nature of concentrated or higher testing products having a greater market value to consumers. Alternatively, growers can also submit “spiked” samples to the lab to boost their results. For this reason, some states require the lab technician to go to the grow site and select their own samples for analysis.

Based on the reference lab’s results and findings, labs producing false COAs could be held accountable by issuing a public warning about the infraction and then shutting the testing lab down.

Unfortunately, there aren’t many checks in place to ensure that the results displayed on the COA are not inflated with higher than actual THC/THCa values, or other falsehoods. A reference lab, a state-managed lab that checks the accuracy and efficacy of third-party labs, that only works for the safety of the cannabis patient and consumer, should double-check the testing results, methods, and science practices of all state testing labs. Then, based on the reference lab’s results and findings, labs producing false COAs could be held accountable by issuing a public warning about the infraction and then shutting the testing lab down.

Some states are taking this type of corruption more seriously. In Michigan, if any sample tests over 28% for THC level, the regulatory agency will audit those results. California’s Department of Cannabis Control has been inspecting and reviewing results, which has led to suspensions and one attempt to revoke a license which was ultimately overruled by a judge. Some blame the consumers for forcing the market to seek higher and higher THC percentages, but that is not always the case. In July 2022, a small group of consumers in Arkansas filed a lawsuit against a group of four companies for selling products with overinflated THC numbers.

It is important to have every product tested for safety, efficacy, and consistency particularly because these factors will contribute to the success of the business. If a product does not pass testing it must be destroyed or, depending on the issue, the product can be remediated by a licensed manufacturer. For example, if a flower fails microbial testing it can be remediated into a concentrate. However, remediation does not guarantee a pass. A remediated concentrate may not fail microbial testing, but instead fails pesticides or heavy metals due to all the components of the flower being condensed into a concentrate. The remediated concentrate could also fail for residual solvents if the concentrate was not made safely. The remediated product must pass testing before being released to the consumer for retail sale, and even then, the COA does not state a product went through remediation. In California’s cannabis industry, if a sample fails any test the batch that it represents cannot be delivered to dispensaries for retail sale. Instead, it can be remediated or reprocessed and fully re-tested again. If a batch fails a second re-testing after the remediation process, or if a failed batch is not remediated, then the entire batch must be destroyed

Depending on the U.S. state’s requirements, analytical tests will be performed on all cannabis products before it reaches the consumer.

Download the CannabizMD COA analytics table

Qualifications for third-party labs

According to a national review delivered by Americans for Safe Access, the regulations of each state determine who can do testing. For example, when comparing the cannabis regulations of Maryland, Colorado, California, Oregon, New York, and Florida, each state upholds the importance of using third-party testing or independent testing labs (ITLs). These states require registered testing labs to oversee the quality of the cannabis products within their respective legal markets and alert the state-led regulatory body when a product fails testing.

It’s a straightforward process to become a testing lab. There’s a non-refundable registration fee required, which can range anywhere from $100 – $1000. In most states, once a lab is registered with the respective regulatory body, it must obtain ISO/IEC 17025 accreditation, which indicates that they are a reliable source to perform competent lab testing and produce reliable results. Registered testing labs must pass proficiency testing to prove their methods are valid to use for testing on cannabis products. Those same labs are required to use methods that are certified through agencies such as AOAC, FDA, EPA, NTI  (Oregon), or other methods approved by the state’s regulatory body. Some states have standardized methods put in place, which is an important safeguard that prevents licensed manufacturers, cultivators, and distributors from shopping around in their state’s cannabis market for a lab that will give passing results. Labs can set their own Limit of Detection (LOD) and Limit of Quantification (LOQ) values, which can skew results to appear as though they are passing when they are not. Rogue labs will intentionally design their analytical methods not to detect analytes at all or not give an accurate concentration of the analytes present.

“Because a lab can set its own LOD and LOQ, it can legally pass a sample for pesticides, heavy metals, or residual solvents that another lab might fail.”

In theory, if all labs tested the same way, the results should be consistent and would take the same amount of time to produce no matter the lab performing the tests. There would not be an issue of inflated THC/THCa values, false passing results, fast two-day turnaround times, and other malicious acts that have the potential to put consumers at risk. False passing results, better known as falsifying data, can look like running a sample several times and then choosing the elevated THC level to report or running a sample several times because the sample is failing for an analyte and then choosing to report the passing result because it finally happened after the 8th time running the sample. Falsifying data can also look like deleting peaks that are actually present during the data analysis process of testing, thus causing a sample to wrongfully pass. This process of picking and choosing which data to report is known as cherry-picking data and is disreputable in the science community.   

As more U.S. states come online with medical and adult-use cannabis programs, lab testing regulations have the opportunity to evolve and improve. By implementing third-party testing lab compliance and regulatory enforcement, combined with education for medical cannabis patients and consumers, the states are setting the foundation for sound federal regulation when cannabis is re- or de-scheduled.

 Alina Butler, M.Sc.  is an experienced molecular biologist, cannabis scientist, edible production lead, and science communicator striving to make the world a better place using science.

Author: Alina Butler, M.Sc.


●        “2021 State of the States.” Report, Americans for Safe Access, Feb. 2022,

●        Affairs, Office of Regulatory. “Water Activity (AW) in Foods.” U.S. Food and Drug Administration, FDA, 27 Aug. 2014,

●       Boileau, N. (2023) “The Importance of Accuracy in Cannabis Potency Testing,” Ekidna, 3 February. Available at: (Accessed: February 24, 2023).

●        “Compliance Track-and-Trace Technology and Software.” Helping Cannabis Regulation Work for Everyone, METRC, 12 Dec. 2022,

●        ISO/IEC 17025 – Testing and Calibration Laboratories. ISO, 11 Mar. 2020,

●        Department of Cannabis Control – State of California. Testing Laboratories. Department of Cannabis Control California, 2023,

●        Department of Public Health & Environment. Certification of Cannabis Testing Facilities. 2023,

●        Florida Department of Health Office of Medical Marijuana Use. Certified Marijuana Testing Laboratories. OMMU, 2023,

●        Maryland Medical Cannabis Commission. Independent Testing Labs. 2023,

●        Office of Cannabis Management. Cannabis Laboratories. New York State, 2023,

●        Oregon Marijuana Testing License. Oregon Cannabis Information Portal, 2023,

●        Pitts, Kelly. What Are Cannabis Tinctures? How Do You Make Them?, The Stash, 28 Nov. 2019, Accessed 12 Jan. 2023.

●        Weedmaps Editors, editor. What Is Cannabis Flower and How Do You Consume It?, Weedmaps, 25 Aug. 2022, Accessed 12 Jan. 2023.

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